• March 10, 2024

Pillars of Digital Marketing – Complete Knowledge

Online marketing has further curated in segments, and these are well-known domains. Either you are selling products or services online, digital marketing is a game-changer, and it builds your business as well as an online brand. This is mandatory and essential for online survival, and it enhances the visibility online. A large number of companies are offering digital marketing services, and they are covering the below-mentioned pillars of marketing, but only a few succeed in delivering the best to the customers. Especially if you are looking for digital marketing services in Dubai, make sure they are glued with these seven pillars of digital marketing.

  1. Search Engine optimization – improve SERP
  2. Content Marketing – King of SEO if the content creation process is followed
  3. Social Media Marketing – SMM, viral your influence
  4. Search Engine Marketing – Mainly includes the PPC advertisement
  5. Affiliate Marketing – Earn extra money through referral links
  6. Email Marketing
  7. Video Marketing – Catch sales from YouTube

Covering all these platforms could be high ROI yielding, but it requires cost and proper implementation of strategic digital marketing campaigns.

Search Engine Marketing:

This is not radio marketing and not TV commercials, simple and quick ads that run on Google search results, and grabs the quality traffic for you. Don’t go for billboards, and don’t set meetings with TV commercials video editors; just create a free account on Google Ads and start your first PPC campaigns in a few minutes. Search engine marketing is a much easier, quick, and most effective way to generate more sales online. It is either made with the intention of getting more impressions for branding and getting more traffic on the website by paying for every single click. It is not limited to the Google Ads but extends to the YouTube Ads, Bing ads, and other search engine ads. It revolves around the search engine and Google display ads at different locations in Google. This could be Google merchants, Google shopping, Google search Engine, Gmail inbox, and 3rd party networks of Google.

Search Engine Optimization:

Trends of Search engine optimization in Dubai are at the boom. And people are looking for jobs there, and a large number of marketers start their career in Dubai. But here comes SEO, which means ranking your site against Google keywords. These are searched by the users, and your sites become reachable for them. So, SEO, improve your online visibility in SERPs, provide you much better rankings, allow you to set your attractive titles, calculate the ROI, and help you in getting rid of Google penalties.

It is an ongoing and long term strategy of marketers. Getting more links, content creation, appending value on the website, and link acquisition camping are the major SEO techniques. Google has provided few free tools for basic use of SEO; Google Search Console and Google Analytics are top of them. Add to this, ahrefs.com, SemRush, and Alexa agency are good paid tools that help businesses in making decisions on the basis of big data.

Read more about the latest technologies that a business need.

Content Marketing:

Writing quality content with MOFU, BOFU, and TOFU strategies and spreading it to your audiences could be more beneficial for you. This is considered as part of SEO; you create quality content and share it with other webmasters. In this way, one could acquire inbound backlinks and referral traffic. Writing valuable and unique content is an art, and this requires lots of time to create content over the web. So, dedicated article writers, graphic designers for visual content, and photographers used to create attractive and appealing content for the users.

Affiliate Marketing:

A large number of digital marketing service providers in Dubai have influence over affiliate marketing. Amazon provides a commission on each sale if someone uses your referral link. Thus, it becomes a major source of income for a large number of small businesses in Dubai. Its revenue is increased when you market your referral link at some blogs and affiliate network sites. In addition to Amazon, a large number of affiliate sites are available over the web.

Email Marketing:

Throwing mails into the inbox is not a big game; measuring the performance, tracking activities, and writing a unique copy of emails is a big challenge. Promoting your product by sending emails to the subscribers and converting them through a clear call to action is playing a major role in Email marketing. If you can write catchy subjects and emails, then it helps all kinds of businesses to generate sales and directly convert the readers into the sales. These are very effective, but there are few laws that should be followed before shooting your next email.

So, these are the major pillars of digital marketing. As COVID-19 has forced the people to sit at home and use only digital marketing platforms in Dubai for their business. In the mission of online growth during COVID-19, digital marketing service in Dubai has increased the service charges, and competition has also shifted to the next level for the small business.

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