• April 25, 2024

Does small business need web design and development services in post COVID era?

Does small business need web design and development services in post COVID era?

COVID-19 has left a great impact in the economy of the world, as per UNO “It is a war of a generation”. Almost all the physical businesses are downsized, and few are collapsed totally. Due to the global lockdown, most of the business shifted to the online. Yes, this is a true fact, even in Pakistan new apps have been launched, free home delivery business has started, and all the small businesses have to shift online. Without online existence, small businesses would have to face a swear difficulty not only in operations but also in selling goods. So, the majority of the Pakistani companies are looking towards the web design and development services.

What kind of web design and development services do you need?

When it comes to web design and development., these two words look similar, but their meaning and purposes are different. Both are different services, and you have to pay for them separately. In web design, only designing through Adobe Photoshop, website design layout, pages design, user interface setting, responsiveness, front end development, mobile version configuration and only design related things are involved. In development, backend coding/development and database configurations are covered. There are two panels of a website; one is called the front panel that everyone can see. On the other hand, the second one is a backend panel, that is only visible to the login users or the website administrator. Backend part has limited access, and admin can provide access to other users. Here admin can create pages, posts categories and can modify the things in the website that would be visible to customers. These changes would be counted as front end development.

Which website development platform is good for the small business?

Every year, at least one new technology is being introduced on average. Such technologies include the following frameworks;

  1. WordPress
  2. Drupal web design and development
  3. PHP coordinator
  4. PHP Lara well
  5. Joomla
  6. Google Cloud development services
  7. Bootstrap
  8. Java scripting
  9. JQuery
  10. Angular JS
  11. JSON
  12. AJAX
  13. ASP.net
  14. C++
  15. C#
  16. Machine Learning
  17. Python Development
  18. CSS

The purpose of the above mentioned programming languages is the same, to build a fully functional website, but their standards and usage are different.

Word press, Joomla, Drupal Platforms for the web design and development

These three platforms have the same purpose; they are free to license platforms and comprise the front end and back end. Such platforms are easy to manage and considered as the best for small companies web development. Moreover, there are thousands of pre-made designs and plugins that make development easier, and a developer can build a small website just within a week. Almost half of the world blogs, eCommerce and news sites are developed on WordPress. It has great power, and you should opt for this. Same is the case with Joomla and Drupal; these are following the word press.

PHP coordinator, Lara well and Python

These are programming languages and require months for the development. This is good for the medium scale business. If you are using WordPress, then you can shift to the PHP advanced frameworks later on. PHP Laravel is a full-fledge framework, and it is costly. But its power is more than the WordPress. Almost 40% of websites are made on this framework, including Lara well. Actually, PHP has introduced this framework, and by the way, WordPress also uses PHP in the back end. So, we can say, about 90% of the world’s websites are using PHP in the backend.

Google Cloud development services

Just like Amazon and other cloud hosting platforms, Google has launched its own domains and hosting services. You can also build an app and upload there, website and other python games are also hosted there. Small and medium scale businesses can use PHP, but it is majorly used by the large scale business. Laravel and Cordignator developers are too costly, and you require a team to manage sites on this platform.

Bootstrap, CSS, HTML, Java scripting

These languages are front end languages and used for the rendering of the data. However, java scripting is a scripting language that has much more interactive options. These are used for the designing of the website. Bootstrap makes your site responsive; your site should be responsive. Ask your agency or developer to design a responsive website for you.

C++, C#, machine learning and JSON

These are machine learning languages and used for software developments. However, they have no use in web development, except for large scale business.

You can get web development and designing services online; before this, you have to finalize what programming language you are going to adopt. Still, you are confused; then you need a consultant, a large number of web development companies offer free guidance to you that is based on your business model. Either you need an e-commerce website or a simple blog; they will guide you.

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