• April 25, 2024

Five things that you should ask from your SEO company

Five things that you should ask from your SEO company

SEO falls in digital marketing, a large number of small businesses still surviving on the basis of SEO. It is the optimization of a webpage, following Google guidelines and optimizing your website with different tests to improve your online existence. Moreover, it is essential for small business websites promotion and marketing. There are few factors that Google have disclosed, and some others are being adopted by the SEO experts on the basis of their own judgement. It is an ongoing process that leads to a higher ranking in any search engine. Even if you are hiring the best SEO company in USA, you should have asked the following questions from them. Such questions help you in getting an overall picture of your SEO tactics and tell about the basic knowledge of SEO. Either they are doing white hat or black hat tactics, it could only be exhibited with the answers of such questions. This is just a list of 5 things, but there are lots more things that can be included in this list.

  1. Check the spam score of the links they are building
  2. Content quality and plagiarism
  3. How many links they are building a day – link velocity
  4. Trust flow and citation flow of your site
  5. Google analytics organic and overall traffic

The above-mentioned tools KPI’s are important for any small business in USA. Let us discuss all of these impacts one by one.

Check the spam score of the links that best SEO company in USA building for your project

SS or Spam score is inaugurated by Moz.com, and SS tells about the spam score of the links pointing to your website. If a large number of links coming from low-level sites or high spam score sites, then your website spam score would increase. Remember later the number is bad, your site should have 1% or lower spam score, and it should be higher than 5% for the sites that are pointing to your sites. If you are getting links from high spam score sites, there are chances for getting your site spam. So, ask from your SEO service provider a list of backlinks they generated in last month and also ask them to mention the spam score of each URL. This will help you in getting a view, and this will disclose the picture of how much chances are there of being spam. Remember, this is just moz.com parameter, either Google follows it or not, it is not confirmed. But it is most likely to be similar to the Google spam flag.

Content Quality and plagiarism

As content is the king of SEO and its quality, relevancy and user engagement matters a lot in SEO. If a content engages the customer and provides the answer of the queries that were searched by the visitor, it would get ranked. Google notice through multiple signals and analyzes which site has better, quality and unique content that customers are reading and sites that have a worth for them. So, Google finds the best content and Google ranks them, although these might be the sites without any backlink. This is the part of Google ranking algorithm, and you need the best content creation for your website. So, content creation should be up to the mark, unique and informational. So, this is the question that you can ask from your SEO service provider in USA. You must read the content they are generating and read it, personally analyze, either it has some value or worth. If you feel that it is not worth enough, and just stuffing of the repeated similar ideas, you should ask them to improve this.

How many links your SEO service providers are building a day? – Link velocity

Building too many links that have low quality in a day can increase the spam score of your website. On average, good article-based links could range in between 5-10. If these are quality links, contextual links then the strategy of “more is good” is perfect. If link builders are using only two liners or copied content, then links have no worth in the eyes of Google as well as the user.

Trust flow and citation flow of your website

Greater the velocity of your link building, higher its trust flow would be. On the other hand, greater the quality of a backlink, greater would be its trust flow. So, it is a simple comparison of the link velocity and quality backlinks. On average, 1:2 is considered as good, here 1 is trust flow, and 2 is citation flow. This is assigned by the majestic.com, an SEO tool agency. If there is a huge gap and citation flow is higher, there is a need to build links from trusted sites and lower the speed of low-quality backlinks—however, only the best SEO companies in USA care for this parameter.

Google Analytics organic and overall traffic

Organic traffic comes from the Google search engine or any other search engine. If your SEO is good and you are ranking against the relevant keywords. Your organic traffic graph would have a gradual increase in Google Analytics. Moreover, you can also track the direct traffic, referral traffic, social media traffic and PPC traffic in Google Analytics.

These are the questions that you should ask from your SEO service provider in USA. Such signals tell you about what kind of tasks are being done on your projects related to SEO.

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